Mayan Hammocks

Thick Cotton String Hammock - MULTICOLORED American Style Hammock - Spread Bars Matrimonial Hammock

7 abr 2016

Hammocks In Yucatán (México)

The hammock is not only an object of rest, typical Mexican tropics. For those who produce and use in their everyday culture it has many more uses and meanings. In this article we will approach some of them having as a common thread in the research community Tixcacalcupul, located in the eastern state of Yucatan.
            To get an idea of ​​the importance of Yucatecan hammock, it should be noted that along with honey occupies a prominent place as native export product of the state. Thus, during 1991 and 1992 they were sold abroad 76.756 pieces with an approximate value of $ 707us (SECOFI 1993).
            In those same two years, depending on their importance as buyers of this craft major countries were the United States, Germany, England, Switzerland, Canada and the Netherlands (Ibid).

            In addition to this amount of hammocks sold abroad, are those acquired tourism in the resorts of the coast of Quintana Roo and in the cities of Merida and Campeche as well as those traded between the families themselves Peninsula.
            Compared with hammocks that occur in other states of Mexico, the Yucatan has a closed and consistent tissue, areas where artisanal tradition is determinant in the region.
            As for its use among the population of the Yucatan Peninsula, it is widespread in rural communities as the only way to sleep. Not so in cities like Merida, Campeche and Cancun where a large part of the alternating rest population in their daily use of bed during the cold season and hammock in the hottest months.

            Regarding the origin of the hammock, it should be noted that the specialists place it in the Caribbean, since before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Peninsula he slept on beds of palm mats and poles (Landa 1978: 34).

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